The completion of this Project, including website revamp and updating of content, of 'Visitors' Guide to Accessible Facilities in Hong Kong' is a result of the full support from the participation and cooperation from various sectors of the Hong Kong community.


The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation would like to express our sincere thanks for the enthusiastic support and full assistance of the volunteers involved in the on site survey and also our heartfelt gratitude to the following organizations in completing the Project :


Sponsoring Organization:

  • ESRI China (HK)

Supporting Organizations:

  • Labour and Welfare Bureau
  • Agency for Volunteer Service
  • Direction Association For The Handicapped
  • Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University"
  • Hong Kong Blind Union
  • Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth
  • Hong Kong Tourism Board
  • Rehab Volunteer, HKSR
  • The Hong Kong Society for the Blind
  • The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Retraining Centre, HKSR